Friday, April 26, 2013

Mentor Spotlight: Orlando Dobbin

“One of my favorite memories with my mentee so far is the time where we went to a park near my apartment and just played, like little kids.  It was awesome!  It was so much fun to be a little kid again.  And it was one of the first times that I think (Dave) really had a good time hanging out with me,” Orlando Dobbin, WYN mentor, said.
Orlando is one of the WYN mentors who truly goes above and beyond both as a mentor and a supporter of other mentors.  He and several WYN mentors have been working on starting a registered club with Appalachian State University where they can go to share ideas, tell stories, and plan events as mentors for WYN.  Currently, they are in the final stages of the process for becoming a recognized club at Appalachian.  Their next step is to present their idea and documents before the Club Council.
 “Once we get approved by Club Council, our club will be good to go!” Dobbin said.
The Western Youth Network (WYN) mentors spend time with their mentees each week and make a big difference in their lives.  The Mentoring program at WYN aims to provide a positive role model and influence in the lives of kids across western North Carolina.  This program also gives the mentees someone to turn to for help with homework, decision-making, and staying motivated.  A support group for those who support the kids of the High Country of North Carolina will benefit the mentors and mentees alike. 
Dobbin said, “It is such an honor and blessing to know that I have the opportunity to have a significant impact on his (my mentee’s) life.  But with great opportunity, comes great responsibility, and learning how to handle the great responsibility of being a mentor has taught me a lot and helped me to grow as a person.”
For more information about becoming or finding a WYN mentor, please visit

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