Sunday, April 14, 2013

Are you up for the challenge?

 Growing up can be difficult for anyone.  Each stage of life has its difficult moments.   In middle school, for example, there's braces, acne and the desire to be a part of the crowd.  Many teens today face obstacles and challenges everyday- just like adults- from all different directions.  These challenges may come in the form of peer pressure, lack of resources, messages from the media, meeting high expectations, and other situations of this nature.  Many of these teenagers do not have anyone who can help them adapt and adjust to the obstacles that come their way.  WYN serves the families of northwestern North Carolina via relationship-based programs to help teenagers through these challenges that they are facing.

WYN recognizes the challenges that our youth face day in, day out, especially youth who live with the added stress that comes with poverty, homelessness, substance use and abuse in the home, and many other circumstances.   And we at WYN want to be able to serve them even better! 

For the past few weeks, several WYN lovers have united to raise money for the Western Youth Network’s many programs and the youth who enjoy them.  We invite you to check out their sites (listed below) and see what challenges they are setting for themselves in order to raise financial resources to benefit the youth of the High Country.


Our list of  volunteers could be even longer if you take on this challenge with us!  If you are interested in creating a challenge, please contact Faith Motter at  

Are you up for the challenge?

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