First, we started at Thunder Hill Outlook and breathed in the mountain air while having alone time to process the beauty it has to offer. The kids were amazed at the size of the mountains and were ecstatic. Some kids mentioned that it was the most beautiful thing they had ever seen! We continued down the parkway to Beacon Heights, and as we stopped along the trail to climb on trees and rocks, the kids mentioned that they could live here for a week!
The campers acknowledged the smell of the trees and flowers while admiring the cool mountain air. As we reached the top of the mountain, the kids explored and had time to reflect in their quiet place on the mountain. We debriefed after a few minutes and the kids shared how lucky they were to be involved with WYN and to be able to see these beautiful mountain tops.
One camper expressed how grateful she was for even being able to have eye sight to witness these views, while another camper said he loved the quiet because he was finally able to focus in his mind.
The kids really started to be energized so we needed to refuel with something a little more challenging. We made our way back down to the vans and headed towards Flat Rock Trail. As we started the ascent, the campers' negativity also started because they couldn’t see the top. We reassured them that we would make it, and when we finally did, all of their attitudes changed!
At the top, smiles didn’t leave the kids' faces, they were in shock and awe. The kids asked if they could scream into the mountains and we agreed as long as they only shouted positive things. Suddenly, every kid screamed to the top of their lungs, “WYN IS AWESOME!” “I LOVE SUMMER CAMP!” “NATURE IS MY BEST FRIEND!” “I LOVE THIS PLACE!”
After connecting to their emotions, we ate lunch and admired the view of Grandfather Mountain until it began to rain. Immediately we gathered our stuff and scurried down the trail. As the rain hit the kids' faces, they began to shout and laugh with happiness.
Once we made it to the vans, one camper decided to stand at the bottom of the trail. He threw his hands up and said, “this is has been the best day of my life.” When asked why he felt that way, he explained to that he has never felt this alive and that he wants to be on the parkway with his friends in the rain every day for the rest his life.
The beauty around us is inspiring and often we move too fast to truly absorb all that it has to offer. Once in a while we all need reminders to take a moment and see things like it's the first time. Perhaps we let the rain fall on our faces and scream from the mountaintops.