North Carolina School Psychology Association (NCSPA)
hosted their Fall State Conference in Asheville, NC on Sunday, October 5, 2014
- Tuesday, October 7, 2014. The conference theme was “Advocating for the Needs
of All Students.” There are a total of 360 school psychologist members in the
Association, and the conference is a great opportunity for those professionals
to gain knowledge and support in their field. Each year the conference selects
a charity to support in the region dedicated to serving kids. This year’s
selected charity was Western Youth Network (WYN).
The funds to support WYN were made possible through a
raffle organized by the members for the Conference’s Presidential Reception.
Jim Deni, a former WYN Board Member and long-time community advocate and
Psychology Professor at Appalachian State University, helped to organize the
event. Jim has been involved with NCSPA since its founding in 1976. "NCSPA
and its membership donates money," said Deni, “to schools and organizations that
are consistent with its mission of advocating and helping all children.”
“WYN is extremely grateful for NCSPA’s gift which will
be used to purchase web-based software that will track and measure program
outcomes,” said Jennifer Warren, WYN’s Executive Director. “WYN is committed to
evaluating the effectiveness of its programs, so that the organization can
continue to improve and grow, and so that our supporters feel confident that we
are making a positive impact in our community.”