You NEVER want to get a call from ASU Police saying “We have a body”. I DID, and it was the longest hour and 22 minutes drive I ever had IN MY LIFE coming to the Watauga Medical Center to identify my son.
The phone call that no parent ever wants to receive…
This goes out to you from my heart to yours. I am the Mother of Tyler L. Blalock; my son died his sophomore year (Sept. 29, 2012) while attending ASU from underage drinking with a fake ID.
My son was 19 yrs old no different from yours – he came from great community roots with church, sports, family and friends he had since he was a baby. All of the parents in our community held fast to the motto “it takes a village to raise a child,” and we watched out for one another. If our kids needed to be “straightened out,” we welcomed each other to do so. In many ways, this is much like the campaign, “It’s Up to Me,” which promotes the notion, “If You See Something, Say Something.” I am writing to ask you to go one step farther, and “DO SOMETHING” too. Our young adults need to know THEY CAN HELP one another, and they need not be afraid to take action for fear that they might get a negative response. Stepping up is the right thing to do. IT COULD SAVE A LIFE.
Here is my story:
Tyler went to an apartment behind Hardees where they were drinking and partying. He then left to go to Wal-Mart to buy a friend beer with his fake ID. He returned to the party, and from there he walked to a bar (Klondike) just across the street from ASU campus with a group of people. This group left him at the bar and when he left, he got no further than crossing the street to Kraut creek that runs through campus (not even the length of a football field). This is where he allegedly he stopped to relieve himself and fell hitting a rock, knocking himself unconscious face down - cause of death “drowning”. He was an award winning swimmer and a lifeguard for 2 yrs., yet he drowned in less than a foot of water. It has been stated by several of the people he was with that he was heavily intoxicated (.26 blood/alcohol level to be exact). So one question remains to haunt me to this day and for the rest of my life - Why didn’t someone DO SOMETHING, ANYTHING??? No charges were filed, nobody takes responsibility or expresses remorse for not helping another human being who was clearly in need of help, and all anyone can say is “I am so sorry for your loss”.
Parents, students, anybody who is reading this please talk to one another; seek education about the dangers of not only alcohol but cocaine, prescription drugs, marijuana, meth, and heroin. The list goes on, but as you well know education gives you power to help make a difference.
My faith tells me, “All things are for our good,” and I have to live by that, so, I am on a mission much greater than me or Tyler. I am taking the lead to help promote change, change in the Boone community, the ASU Campus and most importantly to tell ASU students that the time to ACT is now.
I have joined Watauga Substance Abuse Prevention (WSAP). Angela Hagaman and Hollie Storie co-chair this group and they can be reached at 828-264-5174. They would gladly welcome your participation on this multi-sectored community coalition. At ASU, I am working with Kendal McDevitt, Wellness Promotion Coordinator, and she can be reached at 828-262-2060. I also welcome anyone to call me directly if they have any questions or concerns at 704-906-1135.
I leave you with a final plea: Please help me to honor my son and all the other young men and women who have died before they had a chance to make a difference in this world. “It is up to All of Us”.